
Walking on the snow as footprints of old, travel doth a print show. Howling along the wind, winter wolf, alone. Snow blanketing the wild forest below, waves of white dusting the darkest light. Howl unto the moon, wolf, whose paws print the snow. Untamed is thee within the snow-capped mountains of the far eastern reach.

    a study in        ...

    #HRODVITNIR        an original character from the final fantasy xiv franchise. goes by skadi hrodvitnir, a member of the veena viera and lupin tribe respectively. he is simply known as cerberus among the danse macabre parlor and a renown information broker, assassin and spy. may also go by his other two titles " black wolf "/" getsuei " used among clients, will not share true name.

walk-up and tells are accepted, roleplay only with an active tag

Hey there! My name's Juno ( he / him ), your resident lover of all things birds, video gaymer and worldbuilding enthusiast. I have been playing FFXIV on and off since the early Heavensward days, but only recently started to dabble in in-game roleplay when my friends dragged me into it. Although I've done so before in World of Warcraft, I'm still getting used to things when it comes to FFXIV, so I may be a bit slow sometimes, but I'm trying my best!

    DISCORD:        Only for frequent partners.          MOON ID:        Only upon direct request.

juno ,    he / him ,    25+

gmt +2 timezone

mature themes present


While I will always attempt to stay as close to lore as possible, I will be bending some canon in reasonable ways. If you are a stickler for full accuracy, then Skadi might not be for you. Please also keep in mind that I might occasionally make mistakes! The lore of this game is extremely rich and it's not impossible for me to make a mistake. I'm open to constructive critism if something like that ever occurs in-game. Simply be respectful.


I'm open to walk up and whispers to intiiate roleplay, but will only engage in roleplay with an active roleplay tag. Please do not treat my characters as if he's in character when this is not the case. If you are unsure, you can always privately inquire to make sure and I will be happy to confirm or deny! I expect common sense when it comes to roleplay. Do not metagame, kill, heavily harm, fourthwall, etc. without any prior discussion.


I'm highly selective with romance due to my own preference as well as being picky when it comes to dynamics in this vein. In addition Skadi himself is not very inclined towards romance and will always be slow burn. Not multi-ship in his canonical timeline, please keep this in mind. He may have flings, but any relationships will be exclusive. Furthermore, I'm not interested in writing polyamorous or open relationships of any variant.

mature content

Given the nature of Final Fantasy XIV and the history of my own character, mature content will be present at times. There will be mention of violence, war, blood and gore, as well as other themes in a similar vein. Writing of sexual nature will not be entertained with strangers nor will I ever write such with players that have lalafell or characters that appear minor-coded. If all you're looking for is ERP, this will not be the character for you.




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  • law enforcement of any kind

the black wolf

Those who consider you weak have not noticed the wolf hiding behind your eyes, nor the flames inside your soul. Let them think you are weak and do what wolves and fire do best: surprise them when they least expect it.

     NAME         Skaði Hróðvitnir.  (  Formerly Gahjewesfv  )
     CODE NAME         " Cerberus. "  Used with his clients.
     OTHER TITLES         Black Wolf.  Getsuei.  (  Broker alias in Doma, will not share this title unless you already know of this.  )


     AGE         Appears 29 years.  97 years.
     DATE         3rd Sun of the 1st Astral Moon.
     GENDER         Cisgender male.  (  He  /  Him  )
     SEXUALITY         Gay.  Demiromantic allosexual.


     SPECIES         " Lupiera. "  Veena Viera and Lupin hybrid.
     ETHNICITY         Mixed.  Scandinavian  /  East Asian.  From the eastern ranges of the Skatay Range with Doman influence.
     OCCUPATION         Presents as an Information Broker first and foremost, but underhandedly deals with spywork and works as a renown assassin. However, not many know his other side.


     ORIGIN         The Skatay Range of Othard.
     RESIDENCY         Plot 58, 17th Ward, Shirogane.
     LANGUAGES         Eorzean, Hingan, broken Dalmascan.
     AFFILIATIONS         Danse Macabre.



     EYES         Silver.   Wolf-like.  Subtle glow.
     HAIR         Black with white streaks on the tips.
     STYLE         Short, fluffy.  Two braids on the right.
     SKINTONE         Pale complexion typical for veena.


     VOICE         Stephen Russell.
     HEIGHT         6'7'' feet  /  201 cm.
     PHYSIQUE         ...


     NOTEWORTHY         Sharp fangs. Claws. Lupine ears and tail. Eyepatch and scar over his right eye. An uneven, badly healed scar across his chest, right over his heart. Tattoos on his arms and back resembling ancient runes.



    The important thing to know about an assassination is not who slits your throat, but who paid for the blade.    


LIKES    ...

     MBTI         ...
     ALIGNMENT         True Neutral.
     ENNEAGRAM         ...





then shall the hound garmr be loosed, which is bound before the gates of hell. he shall do battle and
each become the other's slayer. now Garm howls loud, the fetters will burst, and the wolf will run free.

     CLASS:        RogueㅤReaper.  (  " Wraithblade "  )
Reapers were believed to be a lost art during the magitek revolution in the Garlean Empire, but practitioners continue to pass on these powers to this day, operating from the shadows. Historically, reapers acted as special forces and assassins. They would forge contracts with voidsent and go through rigorous training, acting as the will of their leaders by destroying the foes of their nation with swift and deadly precision. Today most Reapers operate in small cohorts as mercenaries or alone.


     VOIDSENT:        Garmr.

ㅤLoyal to none save you and yours.ㅤㅤHis voidsent avatar embodies the desolation of ice and the untamed savagery of wolves. Its form, reminiscent of a malformed hoarhound, stands tall, its limbs and clawed extremities exuding a predatory presence. Jagged fur encrusted with ice veils its body, adorned with rune-like etchings that pulsate ominously and resemble Skadi's own tattoos. The maw, lined with glacial fangs, radiates with a ghostly luminescence and nine spectral tails swirl around Garmr. It is untrusting of strangers, a trait influencing Skadi's behaviour and therefor creating a shared sense of mistrust in the world.

ㅤENSHROUDㅤ   His Enshroud bears the unmistakable influence of Garmr, infusing him with untamed energy. Within the shadowy veil, the echoes of his Voidsent intertwine, manifesting as flickering wisps — piercing, silvery glints amid the darkness and an eerie howl reverberating at the edges of the veil. Infused with the essence of the voidsent, he may take on the form of a void-touched hoarhound.



     ' HOARHOUND ' COMPANION        Occasionally accompanied by a hoarhound that he claims he found as an orphan. In truth, this beast is his voidsent wearing a mortal guise, pretending to be a creature it is not. This hound is aloof, quiet and untrusting of strangers, and typically does not accompany him into cities, staying outside the borders until he returns. On longer travels, it may double as a mount and has proven to be a useful addition for Skadi's profession, which takes him to all sorts of places. It can communicate telepathically if it wishes, but will only do so with Skadi — retaining their inherent symbiotic relationship as reaper and avatar.



CURRENTLY A MASSIVE WIP!ㅤThis is very barebones and mostly for my own reference at this time.

—ㅤBorn 97 years ago to a veena viera mother and lupin sire. ( Their unplanned relationship began as a chance encounter when his father was stationed west of Doma, meeting his mother inbetween the clan's forest at the foot of the eastern Skatay Range and the Doman region. )
Mother:ㅤSigrun Nattskog.ㅤᛁᚴᚱᚢᚾ ᚾᛅᛏᛏᛋᚴᚬᚴ
Father:ㅤKurogane Ryota  /  Kurogane Blacksteel.
—ㅤMany of the Lupin's traits are recessive, resulting in an offspring that appears to have a vieran baseline that is exclusively influenced by Lupin genetics on the beastly traits their two races share. Instead of rabbit features, he has wolf-y ears and a bushy tail, claws, sharp fangs and reflective eyes typical for wolves. This may also affect his body language and overall behavior, setting him apart. ( Apparently, in FFXIV's lore the child also primarily takes after the mother ... ? But currently unsure if that is true. )—ㅤSkadi's father did not actively stay with the clan in and outside of pregnancy, still serving Doma first and foremost, but he visited when he could to see his family.ㅤㅤCHILDHOODㅤㅤ
—ㅤSkadi spent his early youth among his clan, but found himself ostracized by his peers for his mixed bloodline. While the elders were more receptive towards him, other youngsters were not, which led to a lonely childhood.











ㅤSøren ' Liev ' Lifthrasirㅤㅤby misha

close friend, work associate.



ㅤHati Hrodvitnirㅤㅤby aries

guild member, friend with benefits.



ㅤLovek Ivanovㅤㅤby biscuit

guild member, close friend.



ㅤ C'maru Tiaㅤㅤby bean

guild member.
